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  • Writer's pictureDr divya Tanwar

Gaslighting in Relationships

Gaslighting in relationships refers to a manipulative tactic where one person intentionally undermines or distorts the perception, memory, or sanity of the other person. The term originated from the 1944 movie "Gaslight," in which a husband manipulates his wife into doubting her own perception of reality.

Gaslighting is a form of psychological abuse and can occur in various types of relationships, such as romantic partnerships, familial connections, friendships, or even professional settings. The gaslighter typically employs techniques to make the victim question their own thoughts, feelings, and memories, ultimately causing them to doubt their own sanity and judgment.

Some common signs and tactics of gaslighting in relationships include:

• Denial and contradiction: The gaslighter denies events or statements, even when there is evidence to the contrary. They may make the victim question their memory or insist that the victim is "imagining things."

• Manipulation of facts: The gaslighter may distort facts or present false information to confuse the victim and make them doubt their understanding of the situation.

• Withholding information: The gaslighter deliberately withholds information or refuses to engage in open communication, leaving the victim feeling confused or isolated.

• Blaming and projection: Gaslighters often shift blame onto the victim, making them feel responsible for the gaslighter's actions or emotions. They may also project their own negative qualities onto the victim.

• Invalidating emotions: Gaslighters may dismiss or belittle the victim's feelings, making them question the validity of their emotions or experiences.

• Undermining self-confidence: Gaslighters gradually erode the victim's self-esteem and self-worth through constant criticism, mockery, or demeaning comments.

• Isolation: Gaslighters may isolate the victim from friends, family, or support networks, making them more dependent on the gaslighter for validation and information.

Gaslighting can have severe emotional and psychological consequences for the victim, leading to anxiety, depression, self-doubt, and a distorted sense of reality. It is important to recognize the signs of gaslighting and seek support or professional help if you suspect that you or someone you know is experiencing this form of abuse.

As a counselor in we can help someone who is experiencing gaslighting in a relationship and doubting their own decisions. Here are some strategies as therapist we use:

• Validate your experiences: Begin by validating your feelings and experiences. What they are going through is significant and that they are not alone. Validating their emotions can help restore their sense of self-worth and establish trust in the counseling relationship.

• Provide psychoeducation: Educate the individual about gaslighting and its tactics. Help them understand how gaslighters manipulate and undermine their perception of reality. By gaining knowledge about gaslighting, individuals can better recognize the signs and regain confidence in their own judgment.

• Encourage self-reflection: Support the individual in exploring their thoughts, feelings, and experiences objectively. Encourage them to reflect on their values, needs, and desires, helping them reconnect with their own inner voice and intuition. This process can empower them to make decisions based on their own understanding rather than relying solely on the gaslighter's influence.

• Rebuild self-esteem: Gaslighting often erodes self-esteem and self-confidence. Help the person rebuild their sense of self-worth by identifying and affirming their strengths and positive qualities. Encourage self-care activities and engage in exercises that promote self-compassion and self-acceptance.

• Foster a safe and supportive environment: We try to create a safe space within the counseling relationship where the individual feels heard, understood, and validated. Encourage open communication and active listening. Be non-judgmental and empathetic, allowing them to express their doubts, fears, and concerns without feeling invalidated.

• Develop critical thinking skills: We try to assist the individual in developing critical thinking skills to evaluate situations objectively. Help them analyze evidence, assess different perspectives, and trust their own judgment. Teach them to question distorted narratives and seek external validation when necessary.

• Explore boundaries and assertiveness: Gaslighting often involves a disregard for boundaries and personal agency. Help the individual establish healthy boundaries and develop assertiveness skills. Encourage them to express their needs and preferences assertively and support them in setting limits with the gaslighter.

• Consider safety planning: In situations where the gaslighting relationship involves physical or severe emotional abuse, prioritize the individual's safety. Develop a safety plan in collaboration with the person, which may involve contacting support networks, seeking legal assistance, or involving authorities, depending on the severity of the situation.

Remember, helping someone navigate gaslighting requires a compassionate and supportive approach. It's crucial to respect their autonomy and provide guidance without imposing solutions. If necessary, refer them to specialized resources or professionals experienced in dealing with abusive relationships.


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